Get your brand in front of
80,000 people !
The Optimist Club of Cornwall relies on sponsors to ensure the success of Cornwall Ribfest and their fundraising initiatives. Sponsoring this event is an excellent investment, as it provides exceptional value for money. Your brand will be exposed to over 80,000 visitors who attend the weekend festivities, making you a VIP with significant exposure.
As a VIP, you’ll enjoy numerous perks, including mentions on radio spots, logo placement on marketing materials, free advertising and business cards, and exclusive access to a VIP area with a dedicated bar and fantastic views of the entertainment.
Sponsorship plays a crucial role in the success of Cornwall Ribfest and the Optimist Club’s efforts to support and motivate the youth in the community. With your help, the Optimist Club can continue to host a successful and enjoyable event that not only benefits the community but also raises much-needed funds for youth programs.
Please consider sponsoring Cornwall Ribfest today. Your contribution is essential to our success, and we can’t do it without you!